The A, B, C's

The A, B, C's

All great systems are based off principles, not just a repeated process of let's just do it because that's how it has always been done. We use the A,b,C's as our guiding training principles.

The Integrative Movement System ™ is based around three basic but very important principles - Alignment, Breathing & Control.

As an IMS professional I am more focused on following the principles vs. the process - yoga, crossfit, endurance training, athletic performance etc.

In other words, no matter how a person trains I teach all clients the same way utilizing the A, B, C's.

I have worked with many athletes of all levels and as I stated before I still use the same exact principles with them that I use with my 70 year old clients. You may be wondering why, since they are so strong and athletic. Yes, they are very strong, but being stable and being strong are not the same thing.

The number one goal with all IMS programming is to make sure clients have Earned the Right to move to the next level. Athlete or not everyone starts at the same point and masters the A, B, C's before moving on.

Alignment. Why do we need to be aligned?

Alignment is a part of the foundation for creating the most optimal and efficient strategy for posture and movement. When you move more optimally you move with much more efficiency and you decrease the possibility of chronic tightness and muscle imbalances that can eventually lead to injuries.

Alignment simply refers to the joints being in the most optimal position both at rest and during movement/loading. For example, when you are just standing you should be able to do so with minimal effort and tension on the soft tissue. This is the difference between moving with an efficient strategy vs. not. Think about the last time you stood in a long line. Did you start to get a little achy, feel things tighten and have trouble standing still? This is that inefficient strategy I am talking about.

During training we especially focus on the TPC (thoraco pelvic cylinder or the core). We want the ribs to be stacked over top of the pelvis and the spine in relative alignment. When you lose alignment of this area you can not use the muscles of your core properly and over time this will lead to compensations and possible injuries. (You know that nagging back pain I'm talking about).

Breathing. I already know how to breathe!

I hear it all the time, "breathing, why do I have to learn to breathe aren't I already doing that"? My answer is always the same, no movement in the body can be done efficiently or correctly if breathing is not normalized.

Most of us are just breathing for the purpose of sustaining life. However, our breath has so many more functions.

Breathing actually helps stabilize the TPC. When you can perform 3-dimensional breathing properly you regulate internal pressures in the thorax, abdomen and pelvis helping create a much more efficient and stable core.

Proper 3-dimensional breathing also helps activate some of the deep stabilizers of the core that help control the trunk, spine and pelvis. Proper activation of these muscles not only improves stability but also helps decrease chronic pain in the low back and pelvis because you no longer have to brace and tighten down to create stability.


Control is the last part of the foundation or principal. Once you become more aligned and can breathe 3-dimensionally we teach you how to move so you can control this alignment and breathing into both your posture and loaded patterns. Hence the Earn-the-Right to move to the higher level progressions of training.

The A, B, C's allow you to learn how to hold your static posture and or load/move more efficiently without guarding, bracing, compensating or other chronic habits that lead to decreased performance and the increased possibility of injury.

Interested in learning more about the A, B, C's or the IMS™ System schedule an appointment for a free consultation. Remote consultations are welcome. Check out Dr. Osar's Training the A,B,C's video to learn more, click here.

Stay Motivated,


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