Successful Clients

What does it take to become a successful Client?

A few weeks ago I was doing one of my free consultations and I had a prospective client catch me off guard. He asked me “What qualities make up your most successful client”? Now it didn’t catch me off guard because I couldn’t answer it, but more because I thought what a great question.

This person was very passionate about his fitness goals and he truly wanted to make it work this time. I suppose he wanted to pattern himself after my clients who were making it happen.

I told him what I thought were the 3 most important things:

1. Everyone of them knew exactly why they had come to see me and knew exactly what they wanted to accomplish.

2. Everyone of them had zero excuses or time limits when it came to scheduling their appointments – exercise, better health and fitness were top priorities in their lives.

3. Everyone of them was willing to change or work on habits that were keeping them from accomplishing their goals.

I also told him he needed to understand that even some of my most successful clients have had their bad days and have lost sight of their goals – remember nobody’s perfect.

The difference between my successful vs. unsuccessful clients is how quickly they pick themselves up and get moving again. Now I talked about my factors in the past tense but in reality some of these same clients are still working with me and are very successful.

I wanted to share this story with you because I think we can all learn from it. No matter what we choose to do I think we all need role models to follow. Make a list of all the people that can help you achieve a higher level of success.

Stay Motivated,


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