Mental Performance Training Mount Airy Maryland

Are you training the mental side?

Mental Sports Performance Training

Have you ever stepped into a situation, whether it be on the field,
court or classroom and felt like you didn’t belong or knew the outcome wasn’t going to be good even before you got started?

Have you ever worked your behind off training in the off-season,
preseason and at every practice and find yourself only having
mediocre performances in the game? Frustrating right?

What if I told you, you could change those moments of doubt and mediocrity into mind blowing confidence and have the mental toughness to succeed in even the hardest of situations.

To some that may sound impossible, or you may be thinking it might work for some people but I’m not that lucky.

How is it that two people can think so differently?

It all starts with those 6 inches between the
ears, your mental performance.

Mental Training for Peak Performance

Do you want to learn to conquer your fear, build confidence and have something to rely upon when adversity hits? So you can become a more consistent and confident athlete and get the results you want?

Are you tired of spending countless hours in the gym, working harder then all of your teammates in practice, only to play mediocre in the games?

Do you want to have unshakeable confidence, the kind that makes you want to have the ball in your possession when the game is on the line?

Are you a parent tired of watching your child not succeed night after night?

Mental Performance Coaching Mount Airy Maryland

Your mental performance can be trained through skills and drills just like you train your athletic performance on the field or court.

Think about a basketball player, they need to have certain skills to play the game. Some of the basics, ball handling, agility and quick feet.

How do they develop those skills? For agility and quickness, they may do some cone drills. For ball handling they may do some dribbling or passing drills. All those skills become a skill set that makes the player a better player.

Mental skill development is no different. Throughout this program I will give you drills that will help you develop the skills you need to master the mental performance skill set. That skill set will arm you with the mindset and mental toughness you need to handle adversity and tough
situations to help you perform your best on and off the court.

Many athletes will tell you 90% of the game is mental for them. However, when asked how often they train the mental side of the game only about 10% will say they do.

If you work hard and do the drills, you can develop the elite mindset and mental toughness needed to take your performance to the next level in sport and the classroom.

The 10 pillars that make up the Mental Performance
Skill Set

Pillar 1 Elite Mindset
Pillar 2 Motivation and Commitment
Pillar 3 Focus and Awareness
Pillar 4 Self-Control and Discipline
Pillar 5 Process Over Outcome
Pillar 6 Mental Imagery and Meditation
Pillar 7 Routines and Habits of Excellence
Pillar 8 Time Management and Organization
Pillar 9 Leadership
Pillar 10 The Right Culture

Pillar 1 Elite Mindset

Without the right mindset you will continue to struggle and have doubts about your mental toughness and your ability to compete. As you develop your elite mindset you will begin so see that adversity and setbacks are not failures but more so an opportunity to grow and improve.

Pillar 2 Motivation & Commitment

This should not be news to you, but you need to have motivation and commitment to reach your full potential. Adversity will hit at some point, it always does. The level of motivation and commitment you have usually determines whether you stick with it and preserver or give up. By improving these skills you will develop the grit and mental toughness needed to stick with it when adversity hits and things get hard.

Pillar 3 Focus & Awareness

To change an unwanted behavior, you must first be aware of said behavior. Distractions, the wrong mindset and negative self-talk will always wreck your performance in some way. You can’t avoid these things, but elite athletes learn how to train focus and awareness in the present moment and can block out
the unwanted behaviors.

Pillar 4 Self-Control & Discipline

Training to be an elite athlete takes a great deal of hard work and dedication. There is absolutely no way to change that fact. The more elite your performance becomes, typically the higher the pressures of the competition. Everything becomes more demanding physically, emotionally and mentally. When you
intentionally train your self-control and discipline you will find it is easier to refocus whether you have a big game coming up, you had a bad game or the fans are being a huge distraction. You begin to see that both the good and the bad are opportunities for growth.

Pillar 5 Process Over Outcome

To excel at anything takes persistence and hard work. We have stated this earlier. To be great at anything you must work on your craft nonstop. That means a lot of mundane repetition day in and day out, even on the days you do not feel like it. Again, there is no other way to reach elite status without it. When you develop the process over outcome skillset, you learn to focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t. You can begin to focus more on the specific steps you need to take to reach your outcome.

Pillar 6 Mental Imagery & Meditation

We all carry around those little voices in our head that create the pictures we imagine be it positive or negative. These images have a direct impact on our mental well-being and performance (be it positive or negative). Increasing this skillset will teach you how to harness those negative inner voices and learn to
use them for growth. This skillset will also teach you how to develop that unwavering confidence every athlete is searching for (beware it isn’t what you think).

Pillar 7 Routines & Habits of Excellence

If you were to look at any of the leaders in the top 5% of their industry, athletes included, you would find the exact same thing in every one of them. They have the routines and habits of excellence skillset mastered. These people have set routines for every aspect of their life. They can create new habits as needed and change or stop those bad habits before they become a problem. Your day has to have a certain amount of structure. Without structure your days become somewhat willy-nilly and you are more likely to make decisions based on how you are feeling vs what needs to be done.

Pillar 8 Time Management & Organization

Time management and organization can almost be paired with pillar #7. It is hard to master one without the other. There is a direct correlation between time management and your ability to perform at your best level. Hectic days due to mismanaged time and disorganization tend to really drain the mental energy.
Improving this skillset, will allow you to preserve that mental energy and focus on the things that are important.

Pillar 9 Leadership

Unless you are living on an island by yourself leadership will be needed for just about everything. Learning to become a better leader not only gives you the opportunity for more success, but the possibility of more success for your teammates as well.

Pillar 10 The Right Culture

You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If you want to become an elite athlete, you need to surround yourself with like minded people. Top performers just do things differently then the rest of the pack. As an elite athlete you have to establish that culture in yourself, and work to incorporate
it into your team if it isn’t already present.

How does this process work?

Customized Plan

After enrollment athletes will be given an assessment that will help determine where they currently stand with mental performance training. From there a detailed program will be put together based on the athlete's specific needs and wants to help achieve their goals.

Weekly Coaching Calls

Each month there will be 4 30 minute coaching calls. During these calls we will go over the answers to their drills and skills. Provide clarity as needed and troubleshoot any problems that may arise. Plus ongoing support through email and text during the week.

Personalized Success Checklist

A personalized checklist will be created to give the athlete structure and accountability with their new plan. Dedication, commitment and hard work are needed to change your mental performance your personalized success checklist will keep you on track and focused.

Quarterly Reassessment & Development

Every 90 days we will reevaluate your current mental performance to gauge your progress and change your program as needed.

Cost & Commitment

Program Price $349 a month. No commitment and no contracts. You are never obligated to commit to a certain number of sessions. If you aren't satisfied with your progress you can cancel anytime. Need more information feel free to set up a free consultation, call or email.

The majority of the time your sessions will be held virtually. Please contact me if you would like to schedule a consult to see if Mental performance training, is the correct next step for yourself or your child.


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